Why You Should E-Cycle Electronics

Sep 12, 2019 | E-Cycling

When it comes to electronics, we always need the latest upgrades and devices on the market. The production of these electronics takes a lot of labor and resources. All electronic devices contain chemicals and metals that can be harmful when introduced to the environment. Because of this, e-cycling electronics is important when they are no longer of use to us and are ready to serve their next purpose.

Many people choose to switch to electronic devices to conserve energy and waste. For example, using a smartphone to access a bank statement eliminates the need for several sheets of paper. While electronics do cut down on some waste, they are responsible for a different kind of waste. The electronics we love are starting to fill garbage dumps, and it is beginning to have an effect on the environment.

Unlike regular trash, waste from electronics needs to be disposed of properly and recycled. This helps to reduce environmental hazards, identity theft, and other issues. There are E-Cycling events that are offered so that you, and your community, can go to one location and recycle all of your old electronics that need specialized disposal.

How Much E-Waste Is There?

From computer scrap to old smartphones, the amount of e-waste people make is growing each year. According to this article, about 41.8 million tons of e-waste was generated worldwide, and that number grows annually by about 5-percent. Only 15 to 20-percent of that is recycled. While these numbers may seem small at first, remember that this includes a lot of bulky metal devices, such as washing machines, and small items, such as batteries, and each one impacts the environment.

The growing problem of e-waste can be addressed in a few different ways. First of all, computer scrap e-waste recycling should be a priority for both individuals and businesses. Recycling electronics is easier than ever before.

If you aren’t in a position to e-cycle electronics, there are still several things you can do to make a difference. The EPA encourages sustainable electronics management practices. No matter how often you or your business purchases electronics, you should consider:

  • Reusing working electronics
  • Donating older devices
  • Buying electronics from “green” companies

Recycling your electronic devices is the best option for businesses and individuals. Technology grows at a rapid rate, so it cannot always be reused or repaired. It is often more cost-effective to e-cycle electronics than to fix them.

E-Cycle Electronics to Reduce Hazardous Waste

The environment is very sensitive. Computer scrap contains hazardous waste and heavy metals that are released into the air, dust, plants, and soil near the site it was dumped. This can have several long-lasting effects on the area. Remember, every electronic device contributes to the hazardous waste problem, and it adds up. There are several studies about the environmental impact of heavy metals in heavy-manufacturing areas, such as China.

While a lot of electronic waste does end up in foreign countries, there is always a chance that you could be hurting your community. Many garbage collection services take your bags of trash to a local dump, rather than sorting it out. This means that your old laptop could be leaking battery acid and other chemicals into your backyard.

Because of the effects, e-waste has on the environment, and many states require businesses to recycle electronics. City ordinances often exist for recycling glass, plastics, cans, and cardboard, so it is already a habit most people are aware of and abiding by. Some areas will have a recycling strategy in place for your electronics already.

Even if your city doesn’t have an electronics recycling program, you should still check out the local laws before dumping your electronic devices in the bin. Throwing away computer scrap, dead laptops, old smartphones, and drained batteries could be illegal depending on your area. Remember, businesses may be affected by different laws than individuals; even if you aren’t fined for dumping batteries at home, it does not mean that your business won’t be.

Contacting an experienced computer scrap e-waste recycling service can help clear up any questions you may have about your responsibilities when discarding electronic devices. They can also walk you through the necessary steps to ensure your electronics are properly disposed of and the environment is protected.

E-Cycle Electronics and Conserve Resources

All electronics contain multiple components that can be reused. Many of these components actually take a great deal of energy to produce. For example, the small amount of gold in your smartphone had to be mined at some point. Recycling these materials doesn’t just protect the natural habitats the components were sourced from; it saves energy from the harvesting and manufacturing processes.

A typical laptop contains a combination of ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, plastic, electronic boards, glass, copper, gold, silver, aluminum, and lead. These components can all be recycled, but not as a whole. The laptop needs to be correctly deconstructed and scrapped, allowing specific elements to be reused. Cables, for example, are stripped down to the copper so that the metal can be appropriately recycled.

While the process seems complex, computer scrap e-waste recycling centers are well-equipped to handle the job. By working quickly to disassemble and sort the components, they are able to save a great deal of energy and resources. This helps preserve the environment and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Your Electronics Contain Sensitive Information

Your computer scrap may no longer be functional, but that doesn’t mean it’s free of all data. Even if you completely wipe your hard drive before discarding it, there are still some ways people can recover all or part of the data. This makes you incredibly susceptible to identity theft, especially if you toss your old electronics in a garbage can or dumpster that strangers are able to access.

One of the easiest ways to prevent identity theft is to completely destroy the device and strip it down to its essential components. This goes beyond separating the hard drive from the rest of the computer. Once the computer scrap e-waste recycling process has begun, your old device is nothing like it once was. Every valuable component is separated from the original device and then processed.

You can easily ensure that every basic element of your device is reused in a completely different way or destroyed when you e-cycle electronics. This makes it impossible for others to piece it back together or recover any data.

A reputable company will provide you with a Certificate of Destruction that itemizes everything that will be destroyed during the process. This helps to give you peace of mind knowing that your information, data, and history are safe.

If you are worried about the process and want to track your hard drive every step of the way, you can. A reputable e-cycling company will understand the importance of showing your hard drive is entirely destroyed. CDJ E-cycling offers data destruction and serial tracking services, so you know your information is adequately protected.

Almost All Electronics Can Be Recycled

You would be surprised by how many things have electrical components. While it is essential to send more significant items, such as television sets, computers, and video game consoles to a recycling center, you can’t forget the little things.

CJD E-Cycling has a full list of different electronics that should be recycled. Some of the more surprising things on the list include:

  • Toasters, blenders, and other household appliances
  • Holiday lights
  • Cable and satellite receivers
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Portable music players
  • Lamps and light bulbs

Because the modern home has several different electronic devices, a good rule of thumb is to bring anything with a cord to the recycling center. Every little bit helps the environment. If you bring devices that are unable to be recycled, we can take care of the disposal of those items as well.

The metal components of more significant components can also be harmful to the environment. Some of these items include:

  • Air conditioners
  • Lawn equipment and tools
  • Car batteries
  • Medical equipment
  • Metal furniture

Keep in mind that items that contain radioactive or hazardous materials, such as oil or antifreeze, require a different disposal process. Household smoke detectors, for example, have electronic components but aren’t accepted by a computer scrap e-waste recycling facility. Handguns and other fire hazards are also not allowed.

If you have any questions about whether or not something can be recycled, don’t hesitate to ask. In many cases, devices and appliances can have their components separated for recycling.

Some E-Waste Components are Valuable

Did you know that Americans throw away about $60 million worth of gold and silver each year? In one ton of cell phones, you can expect to find about 350 grams of gold. This might not seem like a lot, but it definitely adds up!

While the average person isn’t dumping a ton of mobile phones, the e-waste that they do produce still has a decent amount of value. Electronic waste is full of various precious metals. Even metals that seem very commonplace, such as iron, aluminum, and copper have value to them.

Taking your electronics to a proper recycling center ensures that these metals are being extracted and reused. In most cases, you can recycle these metals over and over again. This makes them more valuable than plastic.

When you e-cycle electronics, you are ensuring that these valuable assets are not going to waste.

Computer Scrap E-Waste Recycling Feels Good

Some people feel bad about using several different devices within a short time period. Often times, it can’t be helped. Technology becomes outdated or easily breaks, and it needs to be replaced right away. When you e-cycle electronics, it allows you to enjoy your brand new device, and you can feel a little better knowing that your old device isn’t ending up in some landfill. 

E-Cycle Electronics and Get the Most Out of Each Device

No matter how many devices you use, it is essential to get the most out of each one. E-cycling electronics extends the life of your devices. While the components are separated, they can be reused in a wide range of items.

Copper is an excellent example of how components can be reused. According to Copper.org, it is the most reused metal. The copper in your old electronics can go on to become automobile parts, currency, jewelry, or other cables. Computer scrap e-waste recycling helps to make that possible.

Computer Scrap E-Waste Recycling Has Never Been Easier

It’s no fun to think of all the extra steps you might have to take by recycling. When you e-cycle electronics, the process is relatively easy. In the past, you would have separated your electronics and driven them to a local recycling plant. If you had a large appliance, this could be a real hassle. Now, companies offer tailored pickup services that make the e-cycle recycling process as worry-free as possible.

The computer scrap e-waste recycling center will know the best ways to transport your electronics and appliances. They can help you secure your electronics prior to disposal and walk you through any additional steps you may need to take in order to recycle your devices properly. This means you will not have to worry about whether or not you deleted your hard drive correctly; the experts do it for you. You’ll save a lot of time just by working with an e-waste recycling company.

When you e-cycle electronics, you can also arrange for a company to pick up your recyclables at your home or business. You won’t have to lift your old refrigerator onto the back of a pick up truck or find a crew to move every outdated computer in your office to the center. Talk to an expert today and see how easy recycling your electronics can be.

How to Recycle Computer Scrap and Other Electronics

The easiest way to get started with computer scrap e-waste recycling is to contact a local professional. Our experienced company will be happy to walk you through the recycling process and answer any questions you may have. To learn more, please contact us today.