Five reasons why data destruction is important

Nov 19, 2019 | Data Security

It is important to make every effort to avoid data breaches when it comes to getting rid of old hard drives in your offices. Although deleting the drives yourself may seem more cost-effective, you run the risk of maliciously accessing and using your data. Data destruction is the destroying of data stored on hard disks, tapes, and other types of electronic media such that the data are rendered totally unreadable, and inaccessible. Decommissioning data centers is a different, debatable topic. First, let us have a look at what is meant by data destruction and decommissioning data centers.

Data destruction

Data destruction, also known as data processing, refers to the electronic and automated data destruction process. The original document should be wholly unreadable or inaccessible after data destruction.

Data is found everywhere in this age of technology. Even a small business can create an immense amount of data that will ultimately become redundant or outdated. Information includes reports written out and saved by the staff over time. The method of deleting information is more complicated than you can imagine; however, it is vital to the security of businesses and best left to a specialist. The points below will make more transparent why a specialist should be chosen to do the deed.

· You are responsible for your data records – whatever happens, even after your facilities are abandoned. If your data end up in the wrong hands, you will have to reply for losses that may occur.
· Backups are included in our laptops, cell phones, and computers and even copy machines. Sometimes you do not realize that the data may have been backed up or preserved in some way until you delete a file.
· It is important to monitor documents and keep your customer information secure. To keep the client’s information safe and private, many companies require a proper law. However, there are other records that need to be held for shorter periods of time and must be destroyed to remain industry-compliant.
· Old data are always in danger of being retained, which leads to identity theft, fraud, and harm to your company’s reputation.
All of the above points elaborate that data destruction is very important, and it should be left to a specialist. The decommissioning of data centers is necessary to destroy confidential data for security purposes. Decommissioning data centers is as important as the security of data. Hiring a professional for this purpose leads to fewer errors in the crucial matter of data leakage or data destruction.

What is the data center?

Data centers are substantially consolidated sites for the collection of storing, sorting, the transmission of, and access to a large amount of data that are specialized in computing of networking equipment and that have been around since computers were first launched. During the time when early computers were placed in rooms, the room was called a data center. It was also known as a supercomputer. As the hardware became smaller and cheaper, and storing information needs began to increase, the network processing capacity also began to develop to keep data safe.

Because of this high time need, supercomputers were converted to data centers. The data centers are often referred to as data server farms. These can store data of websites, emails, messaging, computer backups, mobile backups, e-commerce transactions, online gaming community data, and many other things.

A data center is a conglomeration of elements, not a single thing. “Rechenzentren” at a minimum function as the central warehouses for any form of IT hardware such as servers, processing subsystems, network switches, routers and firewalls, cables, and physical cell racks for IT equipment. An appropriate facility such as energy distribution and supplementary power supply networks like electric switches, continuous power supplies, standby generators, etc., ventilation or data center cooling systems, such as computer air conditioning rooms and ample capacity to network providers, should also be accessible in a data center.

Good security and safety practices must also be incorporated in data centers. For example, the layout of doorways and access corridors, should facilitate the passage of massive, unworkable IT buildings and allow staff to restore the infrastructure. Another critical area is fire suspension; traditional sprinklers are avoided due to the widespread use of sensitive, energy-rich electrical and electronic appliances. Data centers use environmentally-friendly chemical fore suppressors that crave an oxygen fire, thus mitigating collateral damage to the system. As the data center is also a core business resource, robust security precautions, including badge entry and video surveillance, allow staff, vendors, and intruders to identify and avoid malfunctions.

Decommissioning Data Centers

Decommissioning data centers refers to the destruction of places or networks where data is saved or preserved. Removal is also a decommissioning from service. Advanced systems of machines have mechanisms of dismantling that aid in the process for a shutdown. Sometimes, every computer in your network is forced to say farewell. Decommissioning data centers in complicated and entangled, but by making a checklist, errors can be avoided. Your data center is not just a set of metal and plastic parts. All of your business servers are encased within the data center. The quality of hardware may differ, but the information that resides in these machines can last for a long time. This may jeopardize the company’s future, which is why decommissioning data centers is essential.

Our Data Center Decommissioning Services:

We offer several data center decommissioning services; some are listed below:

· Cataloging Inventory

We create our own log of inventory, so there is no confusion.

· Decommission unused IT Assets

Removing all equipment and cabinets so the material can be prepared for shipping.

· Cable removal/mining

We remove all cables as they can be fire hazards, and removal is part of the rental contract.

· Returning Leased Equipment

We prepare and return equipment to the lessor.

· Destruction of Data

Whether it be on-site or at our processing facility, we destroy all data-bearing assets.

· Asset Tracking and Shipping

We compare our inventory with the customer provided equipment list. Decommissioned data center assets are prepared, packed, and shipped.

· Refurbish, Resell, Recycle

Datacenter equipment is shipped to our facility, where it is either prepared to be resold or recycled. We also send any reusable servers or other data center equipment to another company-owned location for further use.


Methods of data destruction:

There are several methods of data destruction. Some of them are listed below.

· Shredding

Although useful for the removal of physical data by doing it yourself, it can be a complicated and long process. This is another explanation of why it may be faster and more efficient to use a clearing service to clear a space.

· Degaussing

Data can be deleted by extracting and increasing the magnetic field on either a data disk or drive using a device called a degausser. As they were built explicitly for this function, they are extremely effective.

· Hiring a professional

For your needs, a qualified clearance firm may apply the best approach. So long as a valid waste carrier’s license and a comprehensive audit trail of your products can be given, this will guarantee that your software destruction has been carried out correctly.

The reasons for data destruction:

There are many ways in which data destruction or decommissioning centers are beneficial for business as well as personal life. Hiring a professional company specialized in the correct disposal of electronic data storage media is the most secure method of hard drive destruction.

· It becomes recoverable

Criminals can quickly recover information from hard drives, even those that are slightly corrupted, and thrown away hard drives as well. Wiping information from a hard drive does not ensure that the data is completely removed. Using high-security information destruction devices, physical destruction is best to delete all data and render them unrecoverable easily. By decommissioning data centers, the information becomes unrecoverable, and the criminals or other hackers cannot retrieve them.

· It frees up space

Saving old hard drives may take up valuable office space or drive storage. Destroying these hard drives is not only time-consuming but also dangerous at times. To save money and quickly free up space, whether in your office or from the drive, a hard drive demolition can help. By demolishing data, free space can be used for new data security.

· It avoids amalgamation

Businesses pay substantial penalties if their data storage equipment is not properly disposed of. Any time there is a breach of protection, the company can end up losing thousands of dollars in fines. By using data destruction services, preventing such penalties is simple. When you delete or destroy old data from your hard drive, it avoids amalgamation from other data, as well. The mixing of data with each other can lead to big problems. Through data destruction, it becomes easier to manage a large amount of data.

· It enables safety by complete removal

A software destruction service will ensure the complete removal of all information on your data storage devices. We do this by using a high-security computer cutter to destroy the hard drives physically. This will make it possible to restore information on hard drives.

· It makes sure that the company is perfect

A professional software destruction firm is aware of data storage technology destruction legislation. Meeting these regulations is their responsibility and ensuring that your company is legal. It removes the fear of penalties and guarantees that your hard drives are appropriately disposed of in accordance with the laws related to electronic storage media.

Occasionally through human error and negligence, documents that were not meant to be erased are erased. Unfortunately, if a hard drive holding critical data is lost, recovering that information is very challenging. A successful tape backup system is the best option recommended by IT professionals. Human error can hardly be prevented, so an insurance policy is a must. Since records can be easily stored or restored in different backups, accidentally destroyed documents can be replaced quickly and easily. To be secure, companies can take steps to remove information from their hard drives before disposal.

Overwriting is a process as well, but it is not enough to do it once. Experts recommend utilizing specialized software to overwrite the drive at least three times. One method is degaussing the hard disk and backup tape and demagnetizing them. There are companies out there that can also carry out this function on-site. Eventually, shredding the drive and film is also an effective method. In such ways, the removal of data is essential for a company or business.

Things to keep in mind during data destruction:

· If communicating with third parties, draft agreements involving software deletion, including backups, duplicate records, and other versions if no longer necessary for their intended purpose.

· Shred the copy to destroy the files while processing hard copies like paper printouts, CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray discs. In some situations, it may be appropriate to use pulverizers or incinerators. Remember that it is not illegal to reuse hard copies, e.g., use as scratch paper as long as they do not contain personal data.

· Data processing usually requires a process called digital sanitization when treating electronic copies. Clear deleting of information is not enough, as the data remains on the disk and still usable until it is re-written or overwritten for recovery. With digital sanitization, it becomes irreversibly lost. To carry it out, assistance is often needed.

·Sometimes it may be necessary to destroy the equipment physically. This often includes third party support and can be achieved on-site or off-site. It is preferable to allow the person in charge of the disposal to verify in case of an agency or corporation that data destruction has properly been carried out.

This article elaborated on the importance of data privacy along with the significance of its destruction and the methods of its disposal. Different kinds of data are essential in business or personal life. The benefits of data destruction and techniques are discussed above for a company or an individual’s interests. Saying goodbye to the data is hard, but sometimes it becomes necessary due to the privacy factor. Understanding all the critical elements of data destruction is very important before allowing software or an individual to destroy the data.