Electronic Drop Off Solutions: What Should You Do With Your Old Electronics?

Sep 1, 2020 | E-Cycling, Recycling

Electronic Drop Off


The purchase of electronic devices has grown exponentially in recent years, and their lifespan has become increasingly shorter. Most of the items end up in landfills; they aren’t degradable and contain high toxins. The chemical elements can seep into the ground and possibly into water supplies or the atmosphere, affecting surrounding communities.


Some devices that contribute to e-waste include laptops, phones, tablets, monitors, microwaves, electric cookers, and other electronic gadgets. When you replace your gadgets, consider recycling them through a reputable electronic drop-off center. If you are undecided about where to drop off electronics that you no longer need, keep reading to gain more insight.

The Recycling Process

A recycling center is merely an organization that collects disposed electronic devices and transforms them into functional elements. E-waste contains different materials, and the recycling process may vary from one gadget to another. If you are still wondering where to drop off electronics, search for a local recycling center in your region. Have you ever wondered what happens to your devices after handing them over to the electronic drop off? It goes through some labor-intensive activities to extract useful materials for use in new manufactures. Here is an overview of the process:

Collection And Transportation

While researching where to drop off electronics, pick an organization that places collection bins at specific locations. When full, the recyclers will then transport them to their facility.

Manual Sorting And Separation

When the e-waste arrives at the factory, the first step involves manual sorting. It consists of removing unshreddable objects like batteries, fluorescent lights, and cartridges. They then put the dismantled parts into various categories consisting of those set for reusing and those that continue with the recycling process.


The devices undergo the initial size reduction process. It involves crushing them into pieces smaller than 100 mm. Additionally, the secondary reduction breaks down the materials further into smaller fragments for better sorting. When looking for where to drop the electronics, ensure that you pick a facility that extracts dust in the shredding process through an environmentally friendly approach.

Magnetic Removal

The fragments pass through a strong overhead magnet that separates iron and steel from e-waste debris to prepare them for resale.

Non-metallic And Metallic Metal Separations

Further, a mechanical process separates aluminum, brass, and other metal components from plastics and glass. The electronic drop off center can decide to sell the elements as raw materials or reuse them for new manufacturing.

Water Separation

The factories use water technology to separate glass from plastics. They then clean the remaining glass fragments to remove any dust extracts, phosphorous and other oxides. Subsequently, they separate leaded glass from unleaded.

The E-waste Components Reuse

After answering your question on where to drop off electronics, you may also want to know what happens to the retrieved components after recycling. The plastic elements go to trays, fence posts, insulators, and other plastic products manufacturers from the electronic drop off center.


The metallic scrap materials manufacture new steel and other metal-based components. Glass mostly retrieved from computer monitors and televisions produces new screens. The lead-containing glass proceeds to smelters who use them to make new batteries, x-ray shields, and CRTs.


Additionally, some gadgets may contain mercury elements sent to recycling companies dealing with fluorescent lighting and metric instruments manufacturing. The centers crush and process hard drives into aluminum ingots for application in the automotive industry. Further, the ink and toner cartridges end up in their respective manufacturing companies for reuse as raw materials.


The retrieved printed circuit boards go back to the accredited companies. They then smelt them to recover some non-renewable resources like gold, palladium, tin, and other valuable metals.


Further, batteries end up with their specialized recyclers who hull them to extract plastics. They then smelt the metal components to recover cadmium, nickel, steel, and cobalt for reuse to manufacture new batteries or steel fabrication.

Benefits Of Recycling E-waste

Recycling is a fundamental electronic equipment disposal method that creates positive impacts globally. More companies are now participating in recycling efforts since the long-term benefits associated outweigh the short term expenses. When you decide on where to drop off electronics, you can help save the universe and its habitats in the following ways.

Conservation Of Natural Resources

The increase in the demand for electronic devices means that more metals need to be mined and processed. Unfortunately, continuous mining poses the risk of depleting the resources left. However, the recycling process helps retrieve valuable materials to make new devices and save on natural resources. It also lowers the amount of energy used in the extraction of virgin materials.

Environmental Protection

The electronic waste may contain toxic elements like lead and mercury that may leach into waterways when left in landfills. The mining, processing, and transportation require a lot of energy and result in carbon IV oxide emissions. Besides, it results in severe damages to the environment and the surrounding habitats. Nevertheless, recycling takes place under controlled conditions, which reduces pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

To Save On Landfills

As a result of high electronic equipment disposal, there is a desperate search for landfill spaces. By recycling these gadgets, we reduce the amount of waste that ends up in dumpsites minimizing the amount of space required to dispose of trash. Therefore, you create more spaces for agricultural and housing purposes.

Job Creation

By supporting the electronic drop off centers, you create jobs for professional recyclers. In your search for where to drop off electronics, you probably came across numerous facilities. An increase in the number of recycling factories will help reduce the rate of unemployment.

To Promote Economic Growth

As the recycling industry hires more employees, it helps boost the economy. Further, it opens up more market for recycled items; thus, the government and other corporations spends less on deforestation and mining. Besides, the government can choose to spend these funds to develop other vital sectors.


Also, the reduction of destructive activities boosts the country’s level of resources, promoting economic gains. Additionally, most of these electronic drop off centers will pay for the collected appliances based on quantity and value. It increases money circulation in a country, and you can use the cash to settle bills or buy new devices.

To Improve Data Security

Improper electronic equipment disposal may lead to security breaches or identity theft. The majority of these devices are functional and just outdated. Therefore, if you forget to clear all your personal information, the details may land to unauthorized individuals. Nonetheless, recycling involves the destruction of the gadgets, which wipes off all the information.

Promotion Of Good Health

Long-term exposure to toxic elements like mercury, lithium, and nickel may adversely affect human health. In some extreme cases, it may result in cancer development. Other than humans, it may also affect pets and livestock. The meat products will thus pose health effects to both kids and grown-ups. Yet, recycling prevents toxic leaks that bring about healthier outcomes. Besides, it helps the earth to replenish, creating a healthier living environment.

Building The Community

While searching for where to drop off electronics, there are various local groups where people come together for a common cause. Most concerned citizens start recycling initiatives to protect the environment. Besides, it helps create a determined society focused on developing sustainable practices.

Tips To Help Choose The Right Electronic Recycling Center

With many recycling centers coming up, it might be challenging to pick up a trustworthy facility. Are you still wondering where to drop off your electronics? Here are a few tips to help you pick the right organization.

Determine Your Needs

Before reaching out to an electronic drop off center, ensure that you understand your recycling requirements. Start by assessing the amount of e-waste accumulates in your home or facility in a specific period. Also, make a list of the type of waste, whether TVs, cables, or laptops, since the recycling facilities charge and pay for some items. These particulars will help you determine whether you will plan weekly, monthly, or annual collection.

Ask About Environmental Commitments

Keeping in mind that your main aim is to conserve the environment, you may want to partner with a committed facility. Also, improper recycling may negatively impart life, the environment, and reduce access to recycled products. Therefore, choose a transparent electronic drop off center by determining their credibility.


Work only with permitted recyclers with the appropriate certification. It shows that the company is thoroughly verified and has the required experience to undertake the recycling tasks. Before receiving the certificate, the center undertakes training to perform the job with high professionalism. Additionally, look out for facilities that educated the public about e-waste. Remember that committed recycling companies should be part of the solution.

Check The Facilities And The Premises

While searching up on where to drop off electronics, ensure that your preferred institution has the necessary equipment for efficient recycling. It will help to go through the organization’s website and ensure that it’s big enough to accommodate more recycling. Also, look out to confirm whether they avail in a productive working environment. Additionally, ensure that they use up-to-date machines and advanced technology to recycle.

Find Out More About Data Security

Whether you seek electronic equipment disposal for your gadgets or those of your clients, they may contain sensitive data. You wouldn’t want this information shared, and you, therefore, need to pick a facility with favorable data destruction policies.


Ask the recyclers how they handle data and choose one that offers shredding, data wiping, or degaussing services. Some even provide a certificate, at a fee to prove that they have destroyed your data. In any case, include a line in your contract specifying that you wish to have all data wiped off from the devices.

Set Up Meetings

While still looking for where to drop off electronics, it would be wise to hold face-to-face meetings with your recycler. Here, you will be able to interact with their staff. Remember that a sufficient electronic drop off center should employ qualified experts with vast knowledge in effective e-waste recycling processes.


You can also confirm whether the company offers training to the employees, which is an added perk. Check out their customer services, and the right-center should have employees who handle their clients professionally to satisfy their needs. They should also be in a position to offer any relevant information concerning the firm.


Note that recyclers may offer to charge or pay for their services. It would help if you talked about pricing with the company to avoid later misunderstanding. Choose a favorable price, but remember that cheap is not always the best, and the facility must maintain the bets recycling quality.


Let them tell you upfront what they pay for or charge. The fee differs based on the weight and the nature of the materials involved. Additionally, you can sort out the items at your facility to earn more. The electronic drop off center will be more willing to pay extra for well-cleaned items that reduce labor costs.


Also, always check price fluctuations to ensure that you negotiate at the current rate. Additionally, enquire about their address. Find out more about their operation, and if they provide false information, they most likely participate in global dumping. Avoid this since it might result in more significant problems.


Remember to inquire about transportation. Some organizations may collect your e-waste for free while others include the shipping fee. While searching for where to drop off your electronics, you can ask the recycler basic questions including;


  • How often they pick up
  • If they require a minimum volume
  • If there are specific items, they don’t accept
  • How much they pay for certain types, including computers and TVs
  • Whether they have environmental certifications


As we continue to become more integrated with technology, e-waste is becoming a growing concern for the universe and its inhabitants. Gadgets keep breaking down as new models emerge. If they end up in landfills, these gadgets contain toxic elements that may reach groundwater and vaporize into the atmosphere. As a result, humans will begin to experience fatal health problems.


Nonetheless, recycling is an eco-friendly electronic equipment disposal method that helps transform the e-waste into value-adding products. The above guideline aims at answering your question on where to drop off electronics to help protect the community. However, remember to back up your data and then perform a factory reset before handing over your devices to the recycler.