The Pros and Cons of Local E-Waste Recycling

Dec 26, 2021 | E-Cycling

A smart phone displaying the local e-waste recycling symbol
There has been a technology rush in the last decade, and with it, the manufacturing of electronics has ramped up. However, this also means there is a lot of electronics produced each year. Studies show that people change their electronic gadgets after two years of use, which shows that electronic waste is becoming a bigger problem, especially with technological advancements. 

With very few individuals opting to upgrade and upcycle instead of throwing electronics, local e-waste recycling is the only option. The electronic waste within a household consists of televisions, toys, flashlights, mobile phones, VCRs, CD players, and more. They can also include printers, monitors, calculators, keyboards, lamps, and phones in the office. Unfortunately, after the end of the life of these devices, up to 80 percent of electronics end up in landfills. In this regard, it’s essential to involve local e-waste recycling to help reduce the impact on a business and within the community.

Reasons for Recycling

Recycling electronics is easy and (mostly) free to do. However, apart from freeing space in an office setup or home, you should do it for the following reasons:

1. Frees landfills

The EPA has reported that about 32 percent of all trash is kept out of landfills by recycling. The only things eventually finding their way in landfills are unrecyclable materials. With valuable materials extracted from e-waste, it’s possible to make other materials longer until it’s impossible to recycle them again.

2. Reuse of materials

A significant advantage of local e-waste recycling is reducing expenses for manufacturing new materials. By using local e-waste recycling, there is little need to extract raw materials, saving on natural resources used in the manufacturing process.

3. Creation of jobs

The process of recycling through a computer drop off near me and reusing e-waste creates a large chunk of the more than 650,000 recycling-related jobs in this country. Recycling boosts the economy, and perfect material is repurposed and used again.

4. Reduced pollution

As the landfills fill up, pollution increases. By recycling through a computer drop off near you, less material is sent to landfills, thereby lowering greenhouse gases. It helps release less methane gas into the atmosphere, meaning less pollution. Still, fewer raw materials are extracted with recycling, helping keep the environment intact, also resulting in less pollution.

5. Safer water

E-waste is a huge contributor to soil contamination. The heavy metals include lead, barium, lithium, and mercury that can seep into groundwater. It travels into streams, rivers, and lakes and can be toxic when households eventually take it for regular use. Properly dispose of electronic waste by searching “computer drop off near me” and getting in touch. It will ensure that water sources used by the general public are safe.

6. Safer ecosystem

The acidity in water kills marine life and other sea creatures. The result harms biodiversity as the ecosystems die out. In some places, the damage is extensive, and recovery is impossible. E-waste disposal through the local e-waste recycling professionals will ensure that ecosystems are protected for future generations.

7. Protect human life

Electronic waste contains dangerous materials that are toxic to human health. Improper disposal can lead to toxins getting in the brain, kidney, heart, heart, and liver. By properly dropping it at a computer drop off near me, it can be refurbished, resold, reused, and recycled. 

On the other hand, local e-waste recycling ensures that crops do not absorb heavy metals and smaller plastic components. Proper disposal ensures that recycling occurs and the farmlands produce healthy crops for generations.

8. Recycling correctly

It’s vital to do sorting correctly to avoid damaging local e-waste recycling machinery by adding items that are not recyclable. Unrecyclable materials can contaminate the recyclables, reducing their value and causing expensive delays when dangerous things find themselves in the mixtures. For local e-waste recycling, it’s vital to request the right recycling company to take it, or a computer drop off near you instead of leaving it in the trash bins. Electronics have components such as lead that should not mix with other recyclable materials and are a possible environmental hazard.

9. Convenience

A computer drop off near you is going to be much easier to access than e-waste recycling halfway across the country. All you need to do to reap all the benefits of local e-waste recycling is search “computer drop off near me” or any of the other devices you need to get rid of. You should be able to find some good options.

Process of Local E-Waste Recycling

Electronic waste contains several components: Metal, glass, and plastic. It will take several steps to recycle e-waste efficiently to recover each type of resource. Generally, processes will lead recycling equipment to eliminate hazardous waste and protect workers in a computer drop off near me. Manual labor will also be necessary, as the hand must feel some materials to sort them at the right level.

1. Manual sorting and separation

It is easier to manually sort electronic waste components by hand by removing batteries cartridges, toners, and fluorescent lights. It is easier to do it than wait for machinery, which might shred the wrong components in the process.

2. Shredding

Shredding involves reducing the size of the electronic waste into smaller pieces before another stage of sorting. They’ll further break down the materials from the computer drop off near you and make them ready for separation. Note that there may be a lot of dust in this process, and it is often disposed of properly instead of released to the environment, which may lead to pollution.

3. Magnetic removal

The separation of the components usually occurs in this stage by the e-waste recycling center and usually needs magnets to pull out all magnetic fragments from the shredded material. Steel and iron fragments are targeted in this step. The components are sold as new raw materials and used to make new electronic devices.

4. Metallic separation

Metals such as copper, aluminum, and brass separation from non-metallic materials are the next step. Manual labor is also necessary to pick out materials, such as wood and plastic, that do not belong. The metals are generally sold in their raw form to make others.

5. Water separation

The primary use of water is the separation of plastic and glass materials. If the glass is leaded, it’s sometimes sold to smelters, who use the material after heating it adequately. Plastic is further separated and sold to plastic recyclers for its usage by computer drop off near me recycling centers.

Pros and Cons of Recycling as an Individual

Now that you know how important local e-waste recycling is as well as a little bit about how it works, let’s get into the pros and cons of recycling on an individual level. Sure, it’s nice in theory, but how does it fit into your life? You might be thinking, “If there’s not a computer drop off near me, then why would I participate?” Let’s find out.

Pros of Recycling

1. Environmental benefit

The most significant advantage of local e-waste recycling is the materials do not end up in landfills. It goes a long way to take up personal responsibility on maintaining the earth by ensuring less litter is around. Fewer chemicals seep into the groundwater, ensuring less contamination. In addition, with fewer materials diverted to incinerators, the air will be fresher since it means less burning hence less air pollution.

2. Economy growth

The recycling method does not end at the garbage bins and needs a lot of processes to make a recyclable product. With the industry needing human resources, it creates jobs. In this case, recycling using a computer drop off near you offers a sense of fulfillment to an individual to know they are directly involved in creating jobs.

3. Environmental consciousness

Starting to recycle makes an individual think of ways to improve the environment. The gradual process will include making decisions for its benefit. One will gradually live green, install solar panels, and compost and grow their food. Also, individuals who recycle using their computer drop off near me are less likely to be moved with fast fashion industries, ensuring that they do not purchase items, especially clothing that will soon be at the landfills.

4. Earn money

There is usually an incentive in many local e-waste recycling places to accept a wide variety of electronics. The electronics scrap is used for recycling and upcycling if it’s in good shape. Outdated electronics or even slightly broken are purchased at an agreed amount, offering value for money. Still, it provides peace of mind as the electronics can be refurbished and put back in the community for its usage at an affordable cost than newer ones.

Cons of Recycling

1. Blindsided

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous recycling companies do not recycle but ship the materials overseas to less developed countries to get cheaper labor. With no advanced machinery to sort out the materials, the workers are exposed to harmful chemicals. Worse still is that the non-recyclable materials are not correctly disposed of and often take a toll on the environment. It can be extremely discouraging, and looking for a reputable recycling company is vital.

2. Pollution

Some recyclable items are generally not that useful after initial local e-waste recycling and landfills. Some others take a lot of energy to recycle, similar to making from scratch, and do not help in conserving energy, and the only option is buying quality products that can be reclaimed from the word go.

3. Costly

Recycling programs in some communities with tiny carbon footprints are not economical. With landfills spaces acquired cheaply, the idea of local e-waste recycling seems unaffordable. Still, some materials are costlier to repair than others. City governments often weigh in on the benefits and decide for everyone despite personal preferences.

4. Inconvenience

It’s a lot easier to just dump something in the general trash rather than figuring out where it’s supposed to go and getting it there. Of course, this is a pretty small consideration compared to the huge benefits of local e-waste recycling. The pros definitely outweigh the cons.

5. Overreliance

Recycling isn’t the only answer. It still takes energy, and not all of the materials can be completely reused. That means it’s not a perfect solution to all our waste troubles. We also need to be reducing consumption, keeping our electronics for longer instead of buying the newest gadget every six months. Local e-waste recycling is great and definitely an important component of an eco-friendly lifestyle, but it’s not a standalone solution.

Demand for Recyclable Material

The good news is that governments worldwide are keen on saving the oceans and reducing pollution in the world. The result is making laws to ensure that fewer unrecyclable materials are produced. According to market reports, with this need, there will be an increase in demand for recyclable materials. 


The shift has welcomed individuals who previously discarded them like any other trash. With the U.S. having the highest per capita consumption of electronics, it offers a unique opportunity to local e-waste recycling centers to get the material instead of dealing with the whole process of making new items from scratch, especially with the hurdles the law has added.

Post consumption waste

Things like earphones, headphones, and even phones have a shorter life span. The great thing is that the materials do not need a lot of recycling processes before they are utilized again. The copper wires, platinum, gold, and other kinds of materials are quickly sorted before being sold to other manufacturing companies for reuse. Although of different qualities, plastic usually needs waste processing to get high-quality plastic to make the same electronic gadgets in a computer drop off near me center that works with a recycling company.

Steps Before Recycling

Some manufacturing companies connected with nearby computer drop off centers are notorious and make gadgets with short lifespans for the masses. The result is that the old items usually are discarded quickly, even when they are still functional. A local computer drop off near me ensures that all those slow computers are recycled. However, although recycling is necessary after the product’s end of life, looking for ways to upgrade the items before discarding them should be the first step. If the computer processors are slow, adding memory from a previously recycled computer can get it up to speed.

It’s also practical to take them to a computer drop off near you to help those desperate for the old technology. When and if the computers and other electronic waste are broken down and considered junk, should it be taken to a local e-waste recycling.


It’s vital to ensure that electronic waste does not end up in landfills. It will help the environment and help sustain human life to a greater extent. However, when seeking to dispose of electronics, get in touch with a certified local computer drop near you to do it properly. The usable parts will be recycled and the dangerous items adequately disposed. Please take a closer look at the local e-waste recycling laws in the state, as some are more restrictive in their regulations. It will also give a simple overview of places that need protection and how to dispose of electronics legally to avoid potential fines. 

If you have more questions, don’t be afraid to reach out. We here at CJD E-Cycling serve the St. Louis area, and we’d love to hear from you!