Data Center Decommissioning

Data centers are a necessary part of many business operations. Larger companies have mountains of data to process on a daily basis — enough to fill rooms. That’s why they use data centers to securely handle all of their most important information.

Data centers are controlled and highly secured locations that house companies’ critical data. Big companies invest heavily in these data centers to make sure that their data is protected and only accessible to the right people. As companies acquire more and more data, it becomes increasingly vital to keep data center technology up to date. Data center decommissioning services address a crucial part of that need.

What is Data Center Decommissioning?

Data center decommissioning is the process of dismantling data centers in a way that minimizes business disruptions, protects sensitive data, and improves the speed, cost, and efficiency of the company data.

For companies that deal with enormous quantities of data on a daily basis, data center decommissioning is an essential business practice. At some point, a company will outgrow a server, or parts of the data center will become old and inefficient. In these situations, it is crucial to protect data with proper data center decommissioning practices.

How involved the process of decommissioning a data center is will depend on the needs of the company. But typically, a professional team, like CJD, will inventory the assets present in the data center and map dependencies. Once a company has decided which pieces of equipment need to go and which need to be replaced, professionals will remove the old contents of the data center and destroy what the data companies no longer need.

Why Decommission a Data Center?

There are a few main reasons why a company might consider data center decommissioning:

  • It improves the performance of data centers in the long run.
  • It enhances security, protecting companies from costly and catastrophic data breaches. Older equipment can leave a company vulnerable if not properly destroyed.
  • It makes it possible to recoup some of a company’s initial investment in a data center.

Best Practices to Consider

No matter what reasons you may have for decommissioning a data center, here are some best practices and things to consider before you begin:

  • Work with a professional on a regular basis to ensure data center decommissioning needs are being met.
  • Choose a professional that can conduct both certifiable compliant data destruction and environmentally compliant data destruction standards, like CJD.
  • Keep in-depth records of all data center decommissioning work that has been done. Stay organized throughout the process.
  • Make sure sensitive assets and data are safely protected when hardware leaves company property.
  • Be as thorough as possible when destroying data.

How Can CJD Help?

If you are in need of data center decommissioning services, CJD is a great resource. We specialize in data center decommissioning that is efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly.

While many companies practice data destruction techniques that result in electronic waste, as an e-cycling facility, CJD fights to reduce e-waste. With all of our data center decommissioning, we take care of your valuable data quickly and securely, so you don’t have to worry about leaving your company vulnerable.